Pierre si dà all’hydrofoil…


Iniziamo la settimana, dopo un week-end che ci ha regalato almeno un bella session di sup wave nella baia Alassio, con una news che arriva dai caraibi, più precisamente dall’isola di St Bart, dove Pierre Mortefon si sta allenando in vista del ritorno in Europa, che lo vedrà continuare la preparazione alla prossima stagione agonistica, molto probabilmente, nelle acque canare…


Hi All, just writing you this mail from St Barth where my first international event just ended in the Caribbean water ! We get some proper conditions with various wind and hard sea. This event mixing pros and amators was pretty fun with a super nice atmosphere, lots of exchanges between all the riders especially with the kids who were the happiest to share a moment with some champions. Before the event we were lucky too to share our passion with some schools of the island where the kids are pretty interested by the sea and by windsurfing ! It was a good occasion to show a different face of this island, always assimilated to luxe and richness, but which could be a pretty good playground for lots of athletes.
This 1st trip of 2016 season was a good opportunity to spend lots of hours on the water with all my new stuff which I will use all around the year. First feedbacks are nice but is not a surprise because I already spent time during the R&D sequences. I have now to test some extra things and valid some details before to be fully ready !
I still have some days there and I enjoy before to be back in France to continue my preparation with a big physic sequences before to be back on the road direction Spain or Canaria Island, looking for similar conditions of our world tour and for some good opposition to valide the winter work !
I let you enjoy some nice pictures of this trip especially with my wind Foil, a new toy who can give you amazing sensation flying over the water but I will give more info about it soon …
Thanks for reading and stay tuned










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