Meno di un mesetto alla Goya Pro di Cabo Verde!


Prende lentamente forma la composizione della “flotta” di riders che prenderanno parte alla Goya Pro Cabo Verde in programma dal 23 febbraio all’8 marzo 015… le iscrizioni vedono tra i tanti campioni (Camille, Levi, Morgan, Bernd, Francisco, Kauli, Boujmaa, Kauli, Francisco, Kevin, Marcilio… associate a questi nomi celebri i cognomi e vi renderete conto del livello della competizione!) anche due illustri portacolori ai nastri di partenza…  Ferdinado Loffreda e Raimondo Gasperini.
More info le trovate sul sito AWT.


Sam's 2015 AWT Preview from American Windsurfing Tour on Vimeo.

The Goya Pro Cabo Verde is shaping up to be the latest AWT edition of the ‘Clash of the Titans’ with the mega stars of windsurfing current tuning up their gear and making final adjustments before the long journey to the remote island of Sal, Cabo Verde. Looking at the confirmed list of Pro riders current booked for the epic adventure in summary we have;
 2 x AWT Pro Champions (Camille x2, Kevin)
6 x Ho’okipa Champions (Levi, Morgan, Bernd x2, Francisco, Kauli, Boujmaa) 
4 x PWA Wave Champions (Kauli x 3, Francisco, Kevin, Marcilio) 
= 1 x Epic showdown
 With so many of windsurfing’s greats of past and present in attendance competing at the infamous break we will be crowing the ‘King of Kings’ but could some mere mortals upset the big names? Those with a keen eye on Ho’okipa these past years will note that Russ (ranked #4 in 2014) a lover of big waves and light winds is ready and motivated to challenge for the top, the set up in Sal is going to be just to his liking. Tom Juban (younger brother of Camile) is another dark horse who tears waves apart with typical Juban style and aggression. What of Camile himself, missing from the Tour for much of last year with a major injury? This event will see him return to competitive action and with some new sponsors too.
 With so many champions and true legends of windsurfing lined up the bracket is going to be stacked, those not bringing their A game from the first horn will find themselves in the reperchagre rounds pretty quickly and fighting for survival. At this time it is too hard to pick winners from the first round let alone make predictions for potential champions. Is Morgan going to continue his dominance, is Levi going to recapture the crown he lost at Ho’okipa last year and what about Kevin is he going to add an event to his overall title? It will be interesting to see Kauli back in competition after missing the Aloha Classic through injury and can Marclio return to his AWT winning ways? Bernd has spent a lot of time away from Maui this past year following the SUP World Tour and I wonder what magic he is going to show us? Much of this will go down to who takes more risks and makes it count. 
 Let the battles begin!


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