2015 MauiSails preview


MauiSails 2015 wave/freestyle line up includes some exciting developments in performance, design and new materials. Combine years of original thinking and design with a real daily passion for wind and waves and the result is the ultimate no-compromise, performance tools for making the most of your time on the water.

- Legend (5-battens wave sail)
- GhostCS (5-battens Technora light-weight wave sail)
- Global (5-battens power wave sail)
- Mutant (4-battens wave sail)
- Epic (3-battens wave sail)
- LocoPro (4-battens freestyle sail)
- Switch (5-battens Bump’n'Jump)

2015 MauiSails Wave & Fresstyle range from MauiSails.com on Vimeo.


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