Paolo Biondani’s new video!

5 days at Franzella paradise from ondaveloce on Vimeo.

Paolo Biondani video

Paolo Biondani with his girlfriend Maria Carla and a couple of friends (Mauri and Enrico) went for a mistral trip to their friend Franzella (Michele Franciosi), Sant’amanza local, one of the best italian freestyler.
Stormy conditions, sunny days, and an ideal place for living and surfing, Corse is a fabulous island!!! Unfortunately we didn’t have wave stuff because our stay was short, but we promise it for our next time up there, because conditions look sick also for wave!! Thanks a lot to Michele for his hospitality and kindness, and obviously thanks to Maria Carla for staying much time at the camera for all of us!! Thanks also to Maurizio and Enrico for their happyness, friendship and good way to coock fabulous dinners!!


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