RRD Freestyle Wave V3


Presentati ufficialmente al grande pubblico italiano in una sera di “gala” a fine dello scorso novembre in quel di Torbole, stanno per approdare ora anche nella nostra redazione per i consueti test, i nuovissimi RRD Freestyle Wave V3, quatto nuovi shape 88, 94, 100 e 106, disponibili nelle due costruzioni WOOD e LTD.
A dire il vero arriveranno tra le nostre capienti mani non più di due modelli di questa linea, come già accaduto per i Firewave, provati nelle misure 82 (sul numero di WN dic/gen 2014) e 102 (sul numero di WN feb/mar 2014).
Per il prossimo numero di aprile/maggio ho “profondamente caldeggiato” che si traduce di fatto  in “stressato a morte” il nostro Insider per provare il nuovo 94… mentre per l’altra misura lascio a voi lettori un’opzione di scelta che, il buon Roberto permettendo, testeremo in uno dei prossimi numeri… 88, 100 o 106?!
Per ora beccatevi la presentazione ufficiale, con tanto di video, dei quattro nuovi gioiellini della linea RRD Freestyle Wave V3!

RRD Freestyle Wave LTD/Wood V3 from RRD International on Vimeo.

As the trend of wave boards shapes keeps going towards multifin hulls, we have preferred to retain a “classic”, reliable and fast planing single fin board line that would be suited for those who wish for a “do it all” type of short board. The new Freestyle Wave boards, Version 3, are four new simple, refined, retuned shapes that will cover the whole range of use of this program.





The outlines of the boards have been re-designed and adapted to the new rocker line.
The boards are now slightly longer (on average 2 cms) than the previous incarnations, the V2s and slightly narrower, starting from a 59 cms wide outline on the new 88 lts all the way up to a 64,5 cms wide board on the 106 lts, so between 0,5 on the smallest board and 3,5 cms on the biggest one. This difference in width has created a more alive, crisp feeling of the performance while riding and further more enhanced the control in stronger winds.
The Rocker is now a little more kicked up in the very last 40 cms from the nose, to allow a small amount more volume displacement towards the nose and thereby create a better balanced feeling in the boards floatation.
The Rocker in the mid/rear section is the same as the previous V2 version. Straight and fast. The Volume displacement has now changed with less volume on the tail and more volume on the nose, to create an amazingly well balanced board which ensures more accurate trim on the water both in planing and non-planing conditions. The simple slight double concave/ V rail to rail configuration of the hull allows a perfect flow and balance over the roughest waters in any conditions.
LTD: Low density EPS /75-100Kgs PVC foam deck and bottom/Biaxial Glass-Carbon layup and wood reinforcements/ faded paint polished rails/Custom unfinished polished full bottom.
WOOD: Mid density EPS /48 Kgs SLX foam and wood veneer full deck and bottom sandwich. Custom clear wood layup on deck, polished rails and custom unfinished matt bottom.










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