Naish Starship…


A fianco della nuova linea Wave (cinque modelli parecchio tirati e destinato alle onde senza compromessi: 70, 75, 80, 85, 95 - il test dell’80 lo trovate sul numero di WN - dic/gennaio 2014) Naish ha presentato un’altra novità per questa stagione rappresentata dalla linea Starship. Si tratta di tre tavole bump & Jump/ on shore wave (90, 100 e 115), adattissime alle nostre condizioni, che stanno cominciando a far parlare di loro sui vari blog dedicati al windsurf…

2014 Naish Starship Board - Product Video from Naish International on Vimeo.

The 2014 Naish Starship was designed for early planing, thrilling straight-line speed and easy, yet exciting, maneuverability. Feel the freedom to progress your skill level as you experience a super smooth ride in a wide range of conditions!
See what people are saying about the Starship Collection!
“Naish has created a true wave-slalom board with the Starship 90 – something we think the sport’s been crying out for since the early 90s.”
“Make no mistake, the Starship 90 rides waves too – including onshore slush – and could be one of the most versatile boards on the market!”
“The Starship 100 is easily the most multi-purpose board of all time.”
“The 100 is nearly as nippy as the 90, hitting full steam pretty quickly, where it’s noticeably reactive and responsive to foot-steering and trim and generally very smooth to drive.”


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