PWA Tenerife World Cup day 3


Il terzo giorno di gara a Tenerife ha emesso le prime sentenze… e cioè che tra gli uomini a giocarsi la vittoria finale, per lo meno guardando i risultati della prima Single Elimination, ci sono più o meno tutti i primi del ranking wave dello scorso anno!
Per ora il fattore “casalingo” premia il “canaro” d’adozione Koester, gli spagnoli Mussolini e Fernandez, ma le variabile “impazzite” interpretate da Traversa, Skye, Campello, Bruch e Browne sono lì pronte a sfruttare ogni piccolo errore dei primi tre.
Il primo Single Elimination ha visto gli atleti sfornare il meglio al momento possibile in fatto di salti… push loop, back loop conditi con varianti a go go, forward e doppi forward…. tutti ad altezze stratosferiche e molti atterrati perfettamente.
Al proposito vi consiglio di dare un occhio alle splendide foto dei “nostri” inviati speciali Laura e Paolo!
Dando un occhio al Single Elimination delle donne pare che Daida, dopo la traversie legate alla salute dello scorso anno, sia di nuovo in sella davanti alla sorella Iballa a Karin Jaggi e Steffi Wahl…
Con il double già iniziato pare che oggi ne vedremo delle belle… le previsioni sono infatti succose sia per quanto riguarda il vento che le onde…. che il vecchio Max avesse ragione?!
More info - Foto © Carter/


Results After Single Elimination - Men’s Wave
1st Philip Köster (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Alex Mussolini (Tabou / Gaastra)
3rd Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / North / MFC)
4th Thomas Traversa (Tabou / Gaastra)
5th John Skye (RRD / MFC)
5th Ricardo Campello (JP / NeilPryde / MFC)
5th Dany Bruch (Starboard / Severne / AL360)
5th Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing / MFC)

Results After Single Elimination - Women’s Wave
1st Daida Ruano Moreno (Starboard / Severne)
2nd Iballa Ruano Moreno (Starboard / Severne)
3rd Karin Jaggi (Patrik / Severne)
4th Steffi Wahl (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg)



Day 3: Tenerife goes off as Philip Koster and Daida Ruano Moreno come out on top
The third day of the PWA Tenerife World Cup saw the much anticipated conclusion of the men’s and women’s single elimination’s. With winds gusting to 40 knots and some of the best waves of the contest so far, the elite of the wave sailing world put on an amazing display, which eventually saw Philip Köster (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) and Daida Ruano Moreno (Starboard / Severne) claim the opening victories of the week. At 2:15pm the men’s double elimination began allowing the majority of the first round to be completed, before both the wind and wave conditions deteriorated.
Men’s Single Elimination
Alex Mussolini (Tabou / Gaastra) saw off Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / North / MFC) in heat fifteen - to book his place in the winners’ final - by the narrowest of margins, as the two sailors finished the heat tied on equal points. The decision went in Mussolini’s favor thanks to him obtaining the highest single wave score of 8.5 points, which consisted of two brilliant frontside wave 360s on the same wave. Reigning world champion Philip Köster also booked his place in the winners’ final after overcoming Thomas Traversa (Tabou / Gaastra) in the semis.
Winners’ Final
Alex Mussolini made the stronger start to the winners’ final as he landed a frontside wave 360 on his first wave followed by two really smooth takas on the second. To back up his early wave scores the Spaniard launched into a brilliant one-handed, one-footed backloop, but it didn’t take Köster long to fight back - despite a slower than usual start. The eighteen year old soon found a great wave of his own and he took full advantage as he went onto throw two frontside aerials on the same wave. Köster then performed a perfect one-handed, one-footed backloop of his own, before storming back upwind to find a ramp for one of his trademark double forwards. Mussolini had one more superb wave in the tank consisting of a radical frontside 360, a snappy top turn and a quick taka to finish the wave, but it wasn’t enough to stop the wonderkid from marching to another victory after he showed off some more devastating front and particularly backside cutbacks before the end of the heat.
Victor Fernandez put that disappointment of missing out on a place in the winners’ final by claiming the remaining spot on the podium after he defeated Thomas Traversa in the battle for third and fourth place respectively. A perfect double forward and a stylish one-footed backloop combined with some powerful fluid wave riding kept the Frenchman at bay. Fernandez will no be hoping to force his way into the top two in the double elimination.
Jump of the Day
Philip Köster produced the best jump of the day as he landed an absolutely outrageous stalled double forward - landed bolt upright - in heat fourteen against John Skye (RRD / MFC).
Double Elimination
Jamie Hancock (Tabou / Gaastra) left it late against Jonas Ceballos (Simmer) to navigate his way into the next round. With just a couple of minutes to go the Brit needed a jump and a good wave and that’s exactly what he managed to do as he landed an excellent pushloop, before finishing the heat with the best wave out of the two sailors with multiply vertical turns. The b-side of heat eighteen saw Dario Ojeda (Tabou / Gaastra / MFC) defeat Valter Scotto (Fanatic / Challenger / AL360 / MFC) as the Spaniard starts his fight back in the double.
The battle of the Pozo boys - Alessio Stillrich (Fanatic / North) versus Omar Sanchez (Patrik / Loft Sails) - eventually saw Sanchez advance with the twenty-two year olds superior wave riding proving crucial on this occasion. Meanwhile, Martin Ten Hoeve (Goya Windsurfing / Point-7) produced an excellent display of sailing to dispatch of Albert Pijoan (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins).
Florian Jung (RRD / Gun Sails / Maui Ultra Fins) proved too strong for Peter Volwater (Fanatic / Avanti) in heat twenty as the German stepped up his performance by throwing a goiter and a technical tabletop forward. Volwater tried to fight back with a double forward attempt, but it wasn’t to be. The final heat to be completed today saw Antoine Martin (JP / NeilPryde) advance into the second round after he comprehensively dispatched of Jochen Stolz (Fanatic / Simmer / AL360). On his way to victory the Frenchman produced the best wave of the double elimination so far as he carved into a radical frontside wave 360 before backing it up with a solid frontside turn. With confidence being high Martin also attempted a tweaked cheese roll, which looked extremely stylish and not a million miles away from being landed.
Heat twenty-one a had to be cancelled half way through due to deteriorating wind and wave conditions at 16:10 and despite holding on until 5pm the conditions showed no sign of improving and the sailors were promptly released for the day.
Women’s Single Elimination
Winners’ Final

The legendary Moreno twins - Iballa Ruano Moreno (Starboard / Severne) and Daida Ruano Moreno (Starboard / Severne) - set up yet another final against each other after they defeated Steffi Wahl (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg) and Karin Jaggi (Patrik / Severne) respectively in the semifinals. Daida opened the final with a backloop, whilst Iballa had to settle for a well executed forward, despite desperately hunting for a ramp for a bigger jump. With both of the women struggling for power they both opted to race in for an equipment change, which soon paid dividends for Daida as she threw herself into a huge forward loop before landing a text-book one-handed backloop. Daida also came out on top on the wave as she connected several vertical, fluid turns to ensure that she would be standing at the top of the podium come the end of the heat. After a few minutes of waiting it was soon revealed that Daida had indeed claimed victory.
Karin Jaggi claimed third place ahead of Steffi Wahl in the losers’ final thanks largely to her extra firepower in the air. The Swiss gem rotated through a great forward loop before also landing a backloop. With Wahl only landing a forward it was always going to be an almost impossible battle for the German to fight her way onto the podium.
With a brilliant looking forecast promising plenty of wind and a slightly bigger swell for tomorrow, the skippers’ meeting has been called for 9am with the action resuming from 09:30am. It looks as though tomorrow will be another action packed day, make sure you don’t miss out on the outstanding action by tuning into the PWA TV at


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