Islas Canarias PWA Excellence Awards


Questa di Orlando Lavandera me l’ero dimenticata tra la montagna di news del week-end, ma meglio tardi che mai… tanto ormai non “scappa” nessuno! Le votazione per le nomination delle Islas Canarias Excellence Awards PWA infatti si sono concluse! Non rimane che aspettare fine mese per sapere chi saranno i vincitori che saranno selezionati da una rappresentativa dei riders del PWA composta da Robby Swift, Iballa Ruano Moreno e John Skye… date un occhio alle Men nominations e alle Women nominations.

The nominations phase of the Islas Canarias PWA Excellence Awards is now over. Stay tuned for when we reveal the winners. As the nominations phase of the Islas Canarias PWA Excellence Awards has come to an end, we would like to thank all of you who participated. The final week saw a massive response with a huge surge of new entries, all of which will be uploaded for you to view in the next few days.
What happens next?
During February the rider’s representatives of the PWA Board, Robby Swift (JP / NeilPryde / Mystic / Maui Ultra Fins), Iballa Ruano Moreno (Starboard / Severne) and John Skye (RRD / Mystic / MFC), will select the finalists from the pool of entries we received, before eventually choosing the winners.
You can see the nominations at the links below.
Men nominations:
Women nominations:
Thanks again to all of you who participated and good luck!
Orlando Lavandera
PWA Marketing Manager


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