Fanatic Windsurfing Camp Wave Special…


Anno nuovo e riprendono le attività dei Fanatic Windsurfing Camp…. cominciamo con un po’ di notizie riguardanti il primo clinic del 2013 previsto al FBC di MOULAY dal 24 al 29 Aprile con Tom Brendt.
Tutte le informazione sull’attività 2013 dei Fanatic Windsurfing Camps, le trovate cliccando qui:


WAVES WAVES WAVES! Do you want to improve your wave sailing, jumping, timing … or all 3?! Join us on our “WAVE SPECIAL” Fanatic Windsurfing Camp at FBC MOULAY 24th April – 29th April where Fanatic Trainer Tom Brendt will make it all possible! FBC Moulay is a top spot for windsurfing in the waves, as well as SUP and surfing … you are guaranteed an action packed camp and a lot of fun on the water! This camp is filling up fast … so check the website for full details & booking. Looking forward to seeing you at this wave spot!


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