Grosse novità all’EFE 2012!


L’appuntamento è per fine ottobre a Six Fours Les Plages, ma gli organizzatori ce la stanno mettendo tutta per realizzare un evento con i contro fiocchi… per non dire di peggio. I migliori freestylers francesi hanno già confermato la loro adesione al progetto e gli organizzatori, ringalluzziti, tirano fuori dal cilindro, un grande video contest per lanciare l’evento…


The best french freestylers confirm their venue and a great video contest is announced to launch the event!
When the EFPT stage in Six Fours was confirmed one month ago the organisation of the ‘European Funboard Expression’ (the host of this EFPT championship) officially announced a 5000 € prize money to be shared between the winners. This should bring together, on the shores of Le Brusc, some of the top international freestylers to join the fight against the best french freestylers! In addition to a very complete night & day program, the organisers have also launched a great video contest from July 1st, open to freestyle amateurs & video addicts.

The top french freestylers will be in le Brusc

Established not so long ago was the French freestyle team, who had the idea of sharing, travelling and progressing together with the aim to push their results in the freestyle discipline and climb the rankings on the World Tour. Antony Ruenes (ranked 7th in 2011), Nico Akgazciyan (12th), Julien Mas (18th) and Adrien Bosson are today the main protagonists of the ‘Team France Windsurf’ who also boast some of the top wave riders like Thomas Traversa (world ranked 7th in 2011) and Jules Denel.  The four freestylers have already been training hard since the beginning of the season to improve their world ranking. They have all confirmed their participation on the EFE this year. We could have interviewed some of the boys :
Mas: ‘I will be there to represent my club, “Six Fours Windsurf Organization”. Between Ruenes and Akgazciyan, the French level is getting higher and higher. By late October, I still have to train again but I feel cool because anything is possible!’
Ruenes: ‘The riders to keep an eye on are definitely Akgazciyan, Mas and Bosson because they are the best Frenchies in the discipline. The spot of Le Brusc has good assets already with a beautiful beach suitable for Freestyle, especially if there is a solid Mistral.’
Bosson: ‘The EFE takes place for 3 years now. The first year, the event has brought back Freestyle into competition at a French level. Now EFE has changed from year to year and the transition to an EFPT stage in 2012 shows the progress and efforts that have been made to gather the best europeens and give a good image of Freestyle!’
A great international amateur video contest launched on the web
With the support of two media partners ( and and registered partners who will offer cool prizes, the organisation and Open Ocean Media have decided this year to engage the public in a contest open to video amateurs. The goal is simple: between July 1st and October 1st, freestyle fans and video addicts have all summer to produce their own clip with a duration of 5 minutes max. The theme is “100% freestyle.” Once their video is edited, they can send their clip to From there, a jury will receive an exclusive notification each time a video is uploaded. The same jury, composed of members of the organisation, SFWO and the local association BCB, pro freestylers, the professional video team of and competition partners, will then give their results around mid-October by announcing the five winning videos of the contest. It is only during the EFE that the public will be called for a final vote on a night of projections for the top 5 videos. The final ranking will be done thanks to the public’s applause and  the five amateur producers will receive their prize live while the winning video will be online the next day on the websites of our media partners. You will find attached in this mail, the official poster of the video contest plus a document that contains all the infos, and some pics (please respect the credits ©Alexis Fernet).
You can also check the dedicated post on our website here:
Next press release will be expected during August, with more information on the evening program and activities during the Championship, as well as news on the presence of riders taking part in this EFPT stage. For now, keep in touch via our Facebook page as it will be updated progressively throughout the summer
Foto © Alexis Fernet







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