Bonifacio Freestyle Project 2012: the end!


Oh finalmente qualche bella donnina anche sul Wind News web… a pensarci bene il Bonifacio Freestyle Project, chiusosi un paio di giorni fa, non è stato solo windsurf! Ho idea che il party del sabato sera sia stato niente male davvero!


Bonifacio Freestyle Project 13 – 17 june 2012
The Freestyle Project came to an end

The mood was great Saturday night when Jude, big Guru - and DJ - of the party, launches the first beats. From then, around 10 beautiful amator models pointed out one after another on the boats’ landing stage, showing off beautiful and sexy beach dresses under the astonished eyes of the riders and spectators. The naiads opened the show and riders could unveil their art on the water by night, under the lights. They are on the point to go windsurfing turn by turn, towed by the jet-ski, to land a move right in front of the public. The fire-show begins and mixes flames and flying sparks with sprays of water. The official party of the Freestyle Project is to be unforgettable. We cannot tell you more : you should have been there to understand what we are talking about. But one thing : this is when Antony rided the Paëlla stove that the hostilities really began. At the mean time Ragga music was full on, quickly tuned by the different grooves of Ruben Petrisie  - who you should all know for his music creation – honoring the 3rd edition of the Freetyle Project thanks to his venue.
The big Mass of the lagoon
After some last tow-in and SUP images to take advantage of this magic place until the end and get some more wonderful pics, it is Cristelle Baud’s turn to say a word and end the event. Many thanks to all the sponsors [SNCM, Agence de Tourisme Corse, Sampiero, Oxbow, RRD, La Boîte à Trucs] who came to play with us and supported this daring initiative, to all the riders who put aside all their obligations to come and operate brilliantly on our lagoon (and some of them come from far away!) many thanks also to all the volunteers and members of the organization who offered a very nice welcome to Piantarella.


Results of the Games
1/ Adrien Bosson
2/ Antony Ruenes
3/ Thomas Traversa
4/ Antoine Albert
5/ Romain/Manu

1/ Steven Vanborokoeven
2/ Manu Canepa

Best Picture
Romain Pinocheau
Air Time
(most aerial move)
Nicolas Akgazciyan

Best Tricks
1/ Rafael de Windt (Burner/Air Funnel)
2/ Antony Ruenes (Spock/Culo)
3/ Julien Mas (Massive Air Funnel)

Light Wind
1/ Rafael de Windt
2/ Steven Van Brokoeven
3/ Julien Mas

1/ Steven Van Brokoeven
2/ Antony Ruenes
9/ Thomas




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