Defi Wind 17/05/2012


Primo giorno della Defi senza la famosa Tramontana a “rallegrare” l’evento con la sua presenza… ma non si è stati con le mani in mano!
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Defi Wind Mag 17/05/2012
A first day without Tramontana, but still a great atmosphere on the beach…  After the rush of the latest registration, the défieurs were wandering all around the Défi’s Village, discovering the new set up before 4 days of sport and party… No blank in the schedule for this windless day.  No respite for both public and riders.
Last registration day today
The event has settled down 850 défieurs.  Only today, around 800 windsurfers came to the registration office, getting their bags and official tee shirts. Today was a big success for the new lycras corresponding to different categories: the pink one for women, the green one for kids and the orange one for men.  Far-distant countries are participating more and more each year.  26 countries are represented on this 12th edition : of course Europeans are numerous but many other windsurfers are coming from  Australia, New Caledonia, Japan, Brazil, Congo, Senegal and Tanzania and also Czech Republic.
First windless day on the Défi
So many ways to go for the Défieurs today on-site,  and they didn’t know what to look at.  Despite the lack of wind, many activities were organized all over the place getting people to be in constant movement. For the first time on the Défi, 3 different stages were set, spreading  sounds and rhythms from all origins across the beach.  The youngest ones were playing a sand castle contest with their parents. They were sitting around their wonderful structures waiting to know who the winner was. Meanwhile, nearer to the shore, sail brands were exposing their newest rigging and equipment to curious and interested windsurfers.
Some stubborn riders decided to rig their sails and tried to catch any blow on the sea. The others decided to get on their Stand Up Paddle to visit Gruissan’s pond through the channel. They were surprised to find 20 knots on the way back… Hard times for the weather, it’s so difficult to please everyone !
Woodstock Revival ?
Such a positive energy on the Défi’s village. A real festival time, even on the parking. Some people were gathered around their cars, playing guitars, singing some old rock’n’roll music.  Nice jam sessions between windsurf lovers. A relaxed and smooth feeling was floating all other Gruissan Beach today… A last preparation time before the event‘s rush and races starts.


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