Brutal beach di nuovo in pericolo!


Sopo passati dieci anni anni dall’ultimo attacco dei “cementificatori di porto” ad uno dei wave spot più belli e conosciuti della costa ad ovest di Tolone…  allora la mobilitazione dei windsurfisti locali e non, aveva respinto la sortita. Ora i “portuali” ci riprovano: è stato appena presentato un nuovo progetto di porticciolo per barche (… forse per fare spazio a tutti gli italiani che scappano in Francia per non pagare la super tassa sui natanti?!) che “ammazzerebbe” per sempre la qualità del wave spot. Il progetto è fresco, fresco, ma la mobilitazione tra i surfers è scattata immediatamente e se l’unione fa la forza… windsurfers, surfer e supers si sono riuniti di nuovo nel comitato “Save Brutal Beach”! Diamogli una mano e magari… impariamo qualcosa, tipo non aspettare che le cose ci “caschino” addosso per muoverci!
1/ Support us through our Facebook page :
2/ Sign the online petition :
3/ Support the association APLBS :

Undoubtedly, the projects of building harbours and dikes are still under the highlights on the mythical spot of Brutal Beach (South France) !
In 2002 and 2004, the city hall of Six Fours had already collided with the resistance of local windsurfers and surfers, and thanks to legal actions led by the sssociation of the coast protection APLBS, she had had to suspend the committed works.
In 2012, according to “Six Fours magazine” in its April issue n°173, a new project of extending the harbour of La Mediterranée close to Brutal beach top wavespot is regrettably in the process of outcome. The total budget of the operation is estimated at € 8 750 000 among which € 6 200 000 for the remaining works !
The circulation of seaweed and rainwater drainage will be causing a serious problem on the water quality for swimmers, surfers and windsurfers (organic pollution, bacterial, hydrocarbon & macro wastes). The creation of this dike and the local shoreline changes irrevocably alter the quality of the waves, but also the accumulation of sediments and Posidonia in the sailing/surfing area.
Again, local windsurfers, SUPers and surfers are mobilizing in the name of the group “Save Brutal Beach”. To support & help the community, these are 3 ways to reach us:
1/ Support us through our Facebook page :
2/ Sign the online petition :
3/ Support the association APLBS :


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