Fuerte Wave Classic Day 7 - Final day


Si chiude, a dire il vero senza troppa action, l’edizione 2012 della Fuerte Wave Classic: i quattro team partecipanti hanno così onorato ieri pomeriggio la cerimonia di chiusura dell’evento, che ha visto disputarsi un round di gara vero e proprio a Majanicho e diverse free sessions negli spot del Cotillo, Agostino e Punta Blanca.
Il team 2  composto dalla local Nicole Boronat, dal nostro giovane conterraeno Federico Infantino, dall’amico Yannick Anton e dall’inglese Andrew Fawcett, si aggiudica questa edizione.
Eventwebsite: http://www.fuertewaveclassic.com/
Fuerteventura Wave Classic Facebook account:
FWC on Twitter:  http://twitter.com/#!/FWC2011

Fuerteventura Wave Classic 2012 -  Video featuring Dario Ojeda

Focus On Dario OJEDA - E211 from KSB on Vimeo.

The crew and several riders tried to do everything to make a competition possible on this last day of the event. A realatively strong wind from north western direction was blowing since the morning hours, but it was impossible to find any spot with wind and waves. The crew drove several times along the North Track from Corralejo up to Majanicho and also checked Glass Beach and Entubadera. But none of these spots delivered any suitable conditions.
So the organisation decided to finish the event at 13.00 and announced the pricegiving ceremony for 14.00 inside the garden of the Oasis Papagayo Hotel, where most of the riders spent the last 7 days.
Orlando Lavandera: “This year it wasn´t so easy to choose the right spots. We had sailed a competition at Majanicho and free sessions at Cotillo, Agostino and Punta Blanca. The focus of the event is about surfsailing and surfing waves. We definitely did everything to follow these goals and kept the spirit and the original idea of the event! I definitely plan to run the event in 2013 again. Thanks to all the great sailors for joining us and participating in the this year´s event!”
Congratulations to all 4 teams and special to team 2 winning the 2012 Fuerte Wave Classic.
Local Nicole Boronat, young Italian Federico Infantino, local Yannick Anton and British freesailor Andrew Fawcett can take the trophies of Fuerteventura back home. All competitors and organizers will meet for the closing party at the Hawaiian Bar in Corralejo at 22.00.


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