Umi Bonaire editing competition


Si è chiuso “the umi Bonaire editing competition” di cui vi abbiamo parlato in diverse occasioni nei mesi scorsi e, da ieri, è on line il video in cui Taty Frans and Kiri Thode annunciano i vincitori  (yeah meng!). La clip è stata realizzata rielaborando i dieci video che si sono classificati nella top ten del contest.
Potete anche vederli cliccando qui sotto, clip per clip, oppure andare vedere tutti i 36 video partecipanti al contest clicclando su 

umi Bonaire editing competition - prize giving from umi pictures on Vimeo.

Top Ten
1) Marc Broersma (The Netherlands) - Windsurfing Back Time
He wins our grand prize: a one week windsurfing holiday to Bonaire, flying from Amsterdam with KLM, staying at Kontiki Beach Club, including windsurf kit rental at Jibe City. Oh, and he can bring a friend too!
2) Matej Trojan (Czech Republic) - The Daydream
He wins a 2012 Starboard Flare WoodCarbon or any other Starboard of your choice from the 2012 range.
3) Michiel De Cooman (Belgium) - clicca qui
Wins a 2012 Gaastra wave or freestyle sail of choice, this one goes to 13 year old from Belgium. Congratulations!
4) Bartek Jankowski (Poland) - Bonaire Aliens
Wins a 2012 Mystic Voltage wetsuit
5) Diego Ioppolo (Italy) - Editing The Wind
The fifth prize, a super cool Mystic Code2 harness goes to.
6, 7, 8)Bjørn Lau Jørgensen (Denmark) - Hello World 
Tim Kahlhofen (Germany) - 3 Styles 1 Passion
Martin Alteirac (France) - The Three Musketeers
They each win a Maui Ultra Fins Style Taty, Style or X-Style freestyle fin of their choice.
9) Miss Jaimie Lloyd-Anderson (USA) - 3 Riders in Bonaire
She wins a Choco Fins Starfish freestyle fin of her choice.
10) Florian Cao (France) - Three for Tricks
He wins a Mystic Reshape board shorts.

Besides this, all prize winners will also receive the new Hole BBQ sunscreen lotion, the first sun lotion that does not affect the environment. For all the prizes check here


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