Camille va a Maui Sails!


Uno dei giovani più promettenti del wave mondiale, Camille Juban, passa da Gun a Maui sails. Il giovane “guadalupiano” che nelle ultime due stagione si è rivelato come uno dei più radicale e spericolati wave sailor, dopo la recente vittoria dell’AWT Ho’okipa Makani Classic wave contest (vedi scorso numero di Wind News) ha deciso di cambiare veleria per carcare di dare la scalata all’olimpo del wave mondiale. Photo by Ludivine/PloofVidéo. For more information go to
One of the hottest young wavesailors around, Camille Juban, is now riding and testing for MauiSails. Camille, a resident of Guadeloupe, recently won the AWT Ho’okipa Makani Classic wave contest, against a strong fleet of some of the world best sailors. Given the opportunity, he decided to use MauiSails to help push his sailing skills and competition level to the top.Camille will be spending the wave months on Maui helping develop the wave lines, promoting product, and enjoying the exciting conditions Maui has to offer.Camille said, “I’m really excited for 2012. I’ve worked hard for many years  and I look forward to working with a leading brand in MauiSails. I believe this will help me take my sailing to another level”.Art Szpunar, MauiSails designer, commented, “We are very excited to have Camille on board, as his radical style is a perfect complement to the progressive direction of MauiSails. It’ll be great to go for a Hookipa session with him and the rest of the team and get his feedback on our latest creations. His input will surely be valuable to further improve MauiSails great wave sail line.”


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