Défi Wind of Gruissan… e sono 12!


La dodicesima edizione della Défi Wind of Gruissan ha già una data precisa: andrà in onda dal 17 al 20 maggio e sarà un evento… senza moderazione. La “formula” di questa classica, un mix tra agonismo e vero e proprio intrattenimento, tanto rodata che in questi dodici anni, ha permesso di vedere al via in alcune delle ultime edizioni fino a mille concorrenti… da quest’anno si rinnova eliminando lo step della limitazione al numero degli iscritti. Quanti saranno quest’anno?! Ci sarete anche voi e ci… saremo anche noi?! Prima di appendere la tavola al chiodo (naturalmente parlo per voi e scherzo!) è un’esperienza che bisogna fare per poi poter dire… io c’ero e magari ero tanto ultimo che ho aiutato a togliere le boe! A parte le immancabili tirate di belino, scattano le operazioni di iscrizione tramite il sito www.defiwind.com

Windsurfing Ultimate - The Défi Wind of Gruissan will celebrate its 12th edition, from 17 to 20 May 2012.The DEFI, a Windsurfing Event to share without moderation…
The Défi Wind of Gruissan will celebrate its 12th edition, from 17 to 20 May 2012.
This is an incredible story: an extraordinary sporting event that puts in the limelight some 1000 windsurfers on the very same starting line!
An event that remains so far the greatest worldwide gathering of competing windsurfers ever…
This impressing impulse has turned the Défi Wind not only into a worldwide leader in adrenaline-water-sports events but also into a universal not-to-be-missed appointment.
It’s more than a mere gathering; it’s an appointment where all the passionate ones meet: winners, champions, windsurf stars, amateurs, with also exceptional movies without forgetting music. A true windsurf festival to enjoy and share with no moderation!
And it is not just a huge sport showcase; the Défi Wind is the crossroad of passions, clubs, regions, countries…
Again this year, as we’re opening a new « page », new things will be many, with the first one being the end of the limit to the number of participants!
For 12 years now, together with Gruissan Tourism Office****, Languedoc Roussillon  region, Gruissan Windsurf Organization and our other partners, I’m each year amazed by the support and the motivation of the participants.
They are driven by an incredible passion for the sea, the beach, the wind and they all come to the Défi Wind to share it!!
Finally, the Défi Wind is a great village where we sometimes get the feeling that everybody knows each other.
And that is for sure this common passion that turns this event into an exceptional appointment.

Go to Gruissan of May 17 to 20
Registration available on www.defiwind.com
Follow us on www.facebook.com/ledefi


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