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E allora, scaldiamoci con questo video di Kai Lenny che se la surfa in sup in costume. Il bello della storia è che il giovane hawaiano, in azione a Oahu, non utilizza tra le onde soltanto tavole specifiche per surfare, ma, in buona compagnia (si vede all’opera anche il dinamico product and team manager Naish  Michi Schweiger) scende le onde con tavole da race…

Kai Lenny is already household name in the stand up surfing world after taking home his second consecutive World Championship title in this year’s Stand Up World Tour. Now the versatile young waterman is taking on the SUP racing scene with all the passion and competitive spirit he has shown in his other sports. In his first year of racing on the Stand Up World Racing Series, Kai proves that surfing prowess plays a part in racing success - and a race board that can out-perform in both flatwater and small surf is the winning ticket. In this video, Kai and Naish SUP brand manager, Michi Schweiger, talk about the new Naish racing boards that are making waves at this year’s North Shore Paddle Challenge on Oahu.
Click below to watch, share or embed the video!

Kai Lenny Talks Gear: Naish Stand Up Paddleboards from Naish International on Vimeo.


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