It’s over for the EFE!


Non è stato un evento fortunato dal punto di vista vento… nonostante le previsioni lasciassero qualche speranza, anche l’ultimo giorno dell’Efpkt finals e della terza edizione dell’European Funboard Expression si è aperto con nuvole e pioggia. Non è rimasto che confermare i risutati raggiunti e avviarsi verso la cerimonia di chiusura prevista per le sei della tarda… ma nonostante la mancata collaborazione del vento, i ragazzini dell’European Freestyle Pro Kids Tour sono stati felicissimi di festeggiare i loro campioncini. L’appuntamento è di nuovo a Six Four per la prossima edizione 2012!

Clouds and rain showed up on the last day of the efpkt finals and the 3rd edition of the European Funboard Expression.
Riders were put on standby throughout the whole day, unfortunately the predicted forecast failed to show up and the last day turned out to be a groovy cozy waitingday. A few interviews and lifestyle shots were done while some riders had abit of fun doing a small tow in session. The awards ceremony was held at 6pm and all of the event supporters and event sponsors were present including localstar Valerie Ghibaudo-Arrighetti, Vice slalom World Champion in 2008 and World Champion in 2009 who was one of the proud supporters of this event.  The amazing event and the European Freestyle Pro Kids Tour has come to an end with many happy faces, positive vibes and new European Pro Kids Champions.
Be sure we’ll be back in 2012 !

EFPKT Six Fours 2011_Girls results :
2. Anna Chiochetti
1. Rolien Caers

EFPKT Six Fours 2011_Boys U15 results :
4.Robbin van der Vet
3.Loick Lesauvage
2.Mattijs Lasore
1.Steven Max

EFE Six Fours 2011_Tow in results :
1.Double Burner by Julian Mas
2.One handed Burner by Loïc Viandier
3.Air funnel by Jordan Ema-Otu

Check out our video podcasts: Vimeo e Youtube . A final video will be avaialble soon…
All our photos are available on the « photos » page of our website. But you can also check our Facebook page


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