EFE 011… Steven Max primo degli under 15!


E dopo tre giorni cipposi, il 4th day dell’EFPKT finals, Eolo si è degnato di dare un piccolo segno della sua benevolenza… alla fine un po’ di action per tutti, ma soprattutto per i ragazzini e le ragazze che hanno avuto l’occasione di  gareggiare…  la nostrana Anna Ciocchetti chiude al secondo posto e Steven Max primo tra gli under 15! Anche questa volta già le foto ed il secondo PODCAST dell’ European Funboard Expression 2011 sono disponibili qui e qui!

Steven Max takes the honour on the EFPkT u15 1st round!
A cloudy morning welcomed the riders on the 4th day of the EFPKT finals and the 3rd edition of the European Funboard Expression. After the skippers meeting took place, windgusts were measured up to 20 knots on the outside, short after riders were put on standby with the first possible start straight after lunch.
The boats were organized and ready to take the riders and the judging crew out to the competition area which was put together a few hundred meters of the coast.
Continuing with the rounds that were canceled yesterday, we saw two Dutch brothers Robbin and Remco Vandervet battling it out against each other. Robbin won with a few more moves than his little brother and was up against Steven Max from Aruba.


Steven Max beats Robbin and makes it into the final against Mattijs Lasore from Belgium. In the losers finals we had French kido Loick Lesauvage versus Robbin Vandervet who actually had a hardtime keeping up. In the battle for first and second, we saw Steven and Mattijs giving their best performance in the gusty conditions, both riders managed to impress the judges with stylish looking flaka’s, grubbies and a few sail tricks combination’s including a gecko from Mattijs where he took both hands of during the rotation.
The girls were up next but the head judge decided to wait as the winds dropped down to 12 knots. After a 15 minute break, the winds started to peek up to 18 knots again, so the girls got ready for their action. A few tricks were done by Rolien Caers while Anna Chiochetti was trying to get some more speed to show off some of her airial maneuvers, however the heat got extended with a few more extra minutes as the conditions continued to be tricky. Rolien added a bodydrag and a switch stance vulcan to her trick list just before the end and down the winds go.


The head judge decided to extend the waiting period for the other rounds until theforecasts would become better. So everyone was brought back to the beach and the winners could finally be announced in the main event tent. The Tow in sensation was on for a sunset afternoon session.

Winning moves and riders:
1.Double Burner by Julian Mas
2.one handed Burner by Loïc Viandier
3.Airfunnel by Jordan Ema otu

EFPKT Girls results # 1:
2. Anna Chiochetti
1. Rolien Caers

EFPKT U15 dingle elimination results # 1 :

4.Robbin van der Vet
3.Loick Lesauvage
2.Mattijs Lasore
1.Steven Max

Attached you will find a selection of shots of the day but we are on our way to upload more photos on the « photos » page of our website. By tomorrow morning, you can follow our live news and the course of the day via our Facebook page.




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