EFE 2011… no wind but a great show!


Come da peggiore previsione, il vento non ha dato un gran mano in questi due primi giorni di gara… ma una super session Pro kid, una spettacolare tow in demo session (vedi video…) ed un sup contest hanno animato l’evento e già le foto ed il primo PODCAST dell’ European Funboard Expression 2011 sono disponibili qui e qui!

Day One. A sunny welcome on the first day of the EFPKT Finals and the 3rd edition of the EuropeanFun Board Expression. The inscriptions took place from 9-11am, with participants registered from France, Holland, Belgium, Italy and Aruba. After the skippers meeting was held riders were being put on standby because of a too light off shore breeze. During the waiting period a tow in demo session took place where one could see explosive freestyle tricks from the local freestyle stars such as Nicolas Akgazciyan, Julien Mas, Bastien Rama, Adrien Bosson, Anthony Ruenes and Davy Scheffers from Holland.
There was a great summerish atmosphere and a nice crowd enjoying the windsurfing activities here on the beach of Six Fours with in the background, a play list of classic hip hop music tunes.
The event Head Judge decided to run a light wind super session for the pro kids. All the riders including two girls had to go out and demonstrate some of their best light winds skills in front of the judges. We had a few impressive performances from the girls Anna Chiochetti (ITA) and Rolien Caers (BEL) as well from other riders like Remco van der Vet (NED), Loick Lesauvage (FRA), Paco Mercader (FRA) and Tim Ruyssenaars (NED). Riders who scored best where put into a final round containing out of the 6 bestriders. Short after, another great show went down and this time the riders tried to pull of the most interesting sail and board tricks. In the spotlight today was Mattijs Lasore (BEL) who pulled off some ”eye poping“ gecko combinations and a variaty of sail and board tricks.
The first day with a tow in demo session and a light wind freestyle super session! Hey, it was fun and exciting for the crowds and everyone else around eventhough the winds failed to show up.
Continueing into the night with an opening ceremony including a welcome cocktail on the schedul, now puting everything together makes the first day of the event a great one.
Super session results:
1. Matthijs Lasore (BEL)
2. Steven Max (ARU)
3. Rolien Caers (BEL)
We are on our way to upload new photos of the day on the « photos » page of our website. By tomorrow morning, you can follow our live news and the course of the day via our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/EuropeanFunboardExpression).


Day Two: the beach of Le Brusc on fire!
Another great day unfortunately with almost no wind but, the clear sky and the sunshine created nice vibes here at the event site. After the skippers meeting, the riders attended an interview session to share their windsurfing stories and backgrounds. The schedule for the rest of the day contained a tow in show and a Sup contest. Short after lunch, a tow in warm up session was held and 10 riders got selected to enter the official tow in show.
Eachrider got 3 chances to show of their tricks and only one of the best tricks could be scored by the judges with support from the crowd who where able to manipulate the scores by screaming for their favorite rider or the one who impressed them the most.
In the spotlight, we had Nicolas Telle who smoothly managed to pull of a clean one handed funnel followed by Jordan Ema-Otu who surprisingly popped into a Air Funnel. As the action continued, the next riders Adrien Bosson, Nicolas Akgazciyan and Julian Mas dominated the show with a selection of higher and faster rotations of new school freestyle moves such as huge burners, double Air funnels and a double Air Bob.
Later in the afternoon a sup contest was being organized by the board brand Fanatic ans local sufshop Nexpa. A course was set and the stand up paddling contest was on for kids, women and seniors.
Another tow in show was quickly organized as the sun started to set, creating a cozy atmosphere on the beach. Riders were pulling off cool freestyle moves in front of the chilling crowds while photographers, cameras and flashes were actively in action snapping amazing shots of the sun set freestyle tow in show.
Another no wind day yet again filled with activities and action here on the beach of Six Fours
Tow in Show top 3 results:
1. Julien Mas
2. Nicolas Akgazciyan
3. Adrien Bosson
Crash of the day went to Thierry Castillan
Sup contest senior results:
1. Jean Marc Viande
2. Nico Akgazciyan
3. Nico Liminana
Attached you will find a selection of shots of the day but we are on our way to upload new photos on the « photos » page of our website. By tomorrow morning, you can follow our live news and the course of the day via our Facebook page.


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