Mark Angulo portrait…


Quando il web magazine langue… per fortuna arriva quasi sempre l’amico Mart di Umipictures a “rifocillarci”! Questo fine settimana è la volta di un video portrait di Mark Angulo, appena messo on line!
Il video lo potete vedere qui sotto o cliccando su
Presentazione by Brendan Pyatt - photo ©  Darrell Wong
PS: the first batch of clips for the umi Bonaire editing competition are online as well, check

Mark Angulo portrait from umi pictures on Vimeo.

Mark Angulo portrait
In the winter of 2010/2011 we spent two months filming on Maui. The Valley Isle remains the Mecca of windsurfing, and one of its godfathers has to be Mark Angulo. Brendan Pyatt talks about meeting his hero.
‘I obviously knew who Mark was, pretty much everyone interested in wavesailing has heard of him, his antics and his family as they are such a huge part of windsurfing culture. But the first time I saw his sailing at Ho’okipa is was really impressed by his incredible talent. This combined with his years sailing this spot means he is really entertaining to watch and is definitely one of the stand outs. It’s amazing to watch one the older guys out on the water pushing it so hard. He picks up heaps of waves and then just does his thing on them which, it has to be said, more often than not ends with a mean looking wipe-out! He totally has his own agenda out there and its really refreshing. I guess being older and not competing has given him the mind space and confidence to explore his own thing; bizarre tricks above hefty waves.’
‘During the interviews and shooting at his shaping bay it became quickly apparent that he is a really humble guy who’s totally at peace with himself, which is something I was surprised about, given his colourful past! I must admit I was pretty star struck and nervous but after a while I just forgot I was working with one of my hero’s and just had a cool time hanging out with a decent, down to earth guy. We had to leave out so much of the interviews which was a shame as he said a bunch of great things about various topics but we hope this clip does credit to his sailing and also gives an honest insight into the character that’s Mark Angulo.’


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