Valerie supporter dell’EFX!


Valerie sarebbe poi Valerie Ghibaudo-Arrighetti, pluricampionessa di primissimo livello nello slalom (Vice World Champion in 2008, World Champion in 2009 and Vice World Champion again in 2010), local di  Six Fours che ha deciso di supportare l’evento wave e freestyle EFX che non sarebbe altro che l’European Funboard Expression in programma a fine mese negli spots della famosa località del sud della Francia.


For this third edition, we decided to promote the “European Funboard Expression” Championship by asking an iconic windsurfing champion to associate his image.
Crowned with multiple world titles, local sailor Valerie Ghibaudo-Arrighetti is THE French champion in the slalom discipline: Vice World Champion in 2008, World Champion in 2009 and Vice World Champion again in 2010!
Local from Six Fours where she trains regularly in the Bay starting from the spot of les Charmettes/le Brusc (headquarter of the club SFWO - EFE organiser), Valerie answered positively to our request. And even though this event is more focused on the waves and freestyle disciplines, Ghibaudo - aka the “rocket” - will be a proud supporter of the EFE this year.
“Why supporting a wave / freestyle contest, she says, while I am first a slalom addict? Just because windsurfing gathers all disciplines with only one link that unites us all: the” blue immensity “. All boardsports bring psychological and physiological benefits. For these reasons, I support this dynamic event that takes place, moreover, at home!”
Valerie will be present in the “backstage” of the third edition of the European Funboard Expression with her daughter Margaux, 10 years and as addicted to windsurfing as her mom!
Our website is already online on You can find here some informations (press Kit to download as well as the EFE logo, official poster and banner, pics and vidéos of last year’s event…). You can also find us on our facebook page


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