DEFI WIND 2011, più di 800 iscritti… per ora!


Dovrebbero essersi chiuse ieri sera le iscrizioni “normali” (111€) alla DEFI WIND 2011 ed il numero dei partecipanti è attestato per ora a più di 800… salvo nuove disposizioni degli organizzatori da questo momento per iscriversi i “ritardatari” dovranno pagare 222 €. Tenete d’occhio il sito per saperne di più…

With around 800 windsurfers already registered, the Défi Wind will be once again an amazing windsurfging party! If you want to take part into this unique competition, don’t hesitate to go on the registration online page of the Défi Wind and fill in the informations required : It will still be possible to register last minute but it will be more expensive : 222€. So, if you want to be in, you should hurry up!
As a windsurfer, you can also participate to the Amateur Windsurfing Movie Festival by sending your own creation of 6 min to the organization. The best 5 movies will be showed during the official Windsurfing Movie Festival night (June 3rd) and the winner will be crowned by the public applause meter. More info enclosed. Oxbow is the official sponsor of the party, and will present an unshowed movie of what happened this winter in Jaws, Maui, with some great pro riders as guest stars… And the show will go on!
And as we are really keen on party and cultural exchanges, we also invite windsurfers musicians this year to send us their beat and be produced on the Défi Wind beach stage during the Jam Sessions of the event. Music will be powered with Ruben and Pintos : BeachVibes tunes by Tropical Artists. Ruben BNG Petrisie (Bonaire) and Pintos (Aruba). Both Artists live in Holland and recently started working together on a new direction of their music where the influences of Hip hop and Reggae were brought together. Their music is generated from the beach lifestyle and their live experiences. The Tracks they have recently released are available at In the extra part of the website you can download the mp3 version of some the tracks.
Stay tuned to follow what’s going on:


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