Fuerteventura Wave Classic 2011 - Final Video


Nonostante il Fuerteventura Wave Classic 2011 non abbia avuto, a causa del vento veramente leggero, ne’ vincitori, ne’ vinti, l’azione non è certo mancata… date un occhio al video che gira in questi giorni sul web!
Fuerte Wave Classic 2011 - Best Of Video
Eventwebsite: http://www.fuertewaveclassic.com/
Unfortunately the this year´s Fuerteventura Wave Classic, which took place in February, saw no final result and no winners, but still the action was awesome. The wind did not blow strong enough for the most of the time, but the waves were massive and so the action. During the event period the competitors scored great down the line conditions with marginal winds at Caleta on the the North Shore and some waveriding at Entubadera (Glass Beach). But the biggest waves were definitely ridden at Puertito, which is north of Cotillo and has a nasty, rocky entrance. The video crew from ROX Production produced now an exciting final clip with the best shots.

Fuerte Wave Classic 2011 - Best Of from ROX Production on Vimeo.


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