Fuerteventura Wave Classic - Day 2


Secondo giorno di gara che ha, tra l’altro, visto l’arrivo sull’isola di Björn Dunkerbeck, contraddistinto dalla ricerca dello spot giusto per iniziare le danze. E dopo aver girovagato sin dal mattino presto tra gli spot di Majanicho e Mejillones… a metà pomeriggio let’s dance a Caleta. Condizioni non ancora ottimali per dare inizio al primo round del Fuerte Wave Classic, ma valide per cominciare con i fuochi artificiali a base di aerials e surfate dei vari riders. Sugli scudi Björn Dunkerbeck, Daida Moreno, Nayra Alonso… e spazio anche ai primi “impressive wipe out”, tipo quello del rider irlandese Mikey Clancy, vedi foto in alto, che si aggiudica la speciale “classifica” di giornata.
Videolink Day 1 http://vimeo.com/19739964
Eventwebsite http://www.fuertewaveclassic.com/

Fuerte Wave Classic 2011 - Day 1 from ROX Production on Vimeo.


First windsurfing action and the arrival of Björn Dunkerbeck on the second day of the Fuerte Wave Classic. After the skippersmeeting at 10am in the hotel, everybody went to Majanicho. The waves there were much smaller than the day before. Dario Ojeda did a spotcheck together with the organizer and then everybody was driving to another spot called Mejillones. There the waves were quite big, but the wind was completely offshore. Again a spotchange followed towards Caleta, where the riders hit the water in the afternoon around 15.30. The conditions were not suitable to run a first round, but gave all the chance to go for aerials and nice waverides. Björn Dunkerbeck, who joins the Wave Classic event now for a few days had a perfect timing and arrived just when the wind picked up. He also ripped the lefthander of Caleta and let it look really easy. Many riders left the water as quickly as they went in. Some others stayed for a very long time out there and tried to catch the logohigh waves in the extremely gusty offshore wind conditions. One of them was Irish sailor Mikey Clancy, who had one of the most impressive wipe out s of today. As well all girls, who compete in the event, sailed out there in the reef break. Daida Moreno nailed perfect aerials off the lip and Nayra Alonso had some nice rides, before she got ripped really hard in the mid section and had a long swim. The wind, which had around 15 knots at its best time, died totally in the late afternoon and all the riders drove back to Corralejo.
Tomorrow´s skippersmeeting is scheduled a bit earlier at 08.30, because there is a small chance to catch the morning wind from the east at Majanicho, which normally only lasts for 2-3 hours. Anyway the forecast looks magic for the weekend and the following week! If it stays like that, action is guaranteed.






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