Formula Experience diventa One-Design!


Non è un cambiamento immediato, visto che stiamo parlando della stagione 2012, ma una delle classi windsurf che è più cresciuta negli ultimi anni sia per la sua semplicità che per le ottime prestazioni che le attrezzature con cui si gareggia, garantiscono tutto sommato con un prezzo abbordabile per i giovani che voglio avvicinarsi all’agonismo… cambia pelle! La Formula Experience era il “feudo” delle tavole Starboard Formula Experience e Bic Techno Formula, ma dal gennaio 2012, con i nuovi regolamenti, si potrà gareggiare soltanto con lo Starboard Formula Experience 160 in combinazione con una vela Severne OverDrive.
Informazione più precise le trovate nel press release in Inglese che accompana, di seguito, questa news o cliccando su:


Formula Experience becomes One-Design
Formula Experience is set to become a One-Design class from January 2012 on. As one of the fastest growing windsurfing class due to its simplicity, high performance and low entry cost, this one-manufacturer regulation will add to the popularity and longevity of the class.
Previously, Formula Experience was the domain of Starboard’s Formula Experience and Bic’s Techno Formula with any rig that had seven battens and three cambers. Masts were 75% carbon and booms made of aluminum to keep costs to a minimum.
With the new regulations, the Formula Experience class will only allow the Starboard Formula Experience 160 in combination with a Severne OverDrive sail. This equipment is built to comply with the Formula Experience class rules, set to make the manufacturing process of producing equipment cheaper. These cost reductions are passed on directly to the customers to make racing more accessible.
Made from an ASA construction, the board is very durable and will remain competitive. Allowed rig sizes will be 7.5, 8.5, 9.7 and 11 meters. Rigged with a Severne BLUE Line mast and a Severne ALU Race boom, Formula Experience is about fast and thrilling racing without one development advantage over another. Riders may also choose between the Drake R13 Race NR or the R19 Race NR, both advanced course racing fins.


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