The European Funboard Expression!


Dopo il successo della precedente edizione di questo evento francese, andata in onda a novembre 2009, quest’anno si replica… ampliando gli orizzonti!
Il National Funboard Expression, in programma dal 10 al 14 novembre prossimi nei due spots più gettonati di Six Fours, Le Brusc e La Coudouliere, quest’anno diventa European Funboard Expression… Freestyle e Wave rimangono in programma con gare aperte a tutti, pro ed amatori, ma l’evento ospiterà anche la finale del EFPKT (European Freestyle Pro Tour Kids), una competizione aperta ai giovani freestylers under 20.
Organizzato dal windsurf club locale SFWO (Six Fours Windsurf Organization), the European Funboard Expression ospiterà così tre contests in uno solo evento:
European Freestyle Pro Kids Tour (Final)
Freestyle contest open to riders under 20
National Funboard Expression Freestyle
Freestyle contest open to riders over 20
National Funboard Expression Vagues
Wave contest open to all riders
Information (news, program, contacts, maps, accommodation infos, photos and videos from last year …) on the website

Following the success of the previous edition launched in Nov. 2009, the ‘National Funboard Expression’ will try in 2010 to bring together again all wave and freestyle addicts, pros and amateurs, on the spots of Six Fours in South France, from 10 to 14 November.
The good news is that this year, the ‘National’ event becomes ‘European’ as it will host the finals of the Freestyle Tour for youth, EFPkT (European Freestyle Pro Tour Kids), a competition restricted to freestylers under the age of 20 !
Freestyle and Wave categories of the ‘National Funboard’ still remain in the program and will be launched according to the daily conditions encountered. The local wind, the famous ‘Mistral’ (NNW) could blow at this time of the year and so reveal the 2 local spots of Le Brusc and La Coudouliere. In this context, Ruben Petrisie, manager of EFPkT circuit will work alongside french judge Pascal Joly and his crew that will officiate under the aegis of the AFF (French Funboard Association), IFCA and FFV (French Sailing Federation). They will decide together, according to the daily conditions, to launch the Freestyle or Wave contests.
The ’European Funboard Expression’ will so gather 3 contests in 1 event :
European Freestyle Pro Kids Tour Finale 

Freestyle contest open to riders under 20 y.o
National Funboard Expression Freestyle

Freestyle contest open to riders over 20 y.o
National Funboard Expression Vagues

Wave contest open to all riders
Organized by the local club SFWO (Six Fours Windsurf Organization), everything has been set up to warmly welcome all Freestyle and Wave addicts coming from Europe, to demonstrate that windsurfing can definitely offer a great show, whatever are the conditions.
You can find information (news, program, contacts, maps, accommodation infos…) on the website that has just been released on (french only) which will be updated regularly. If the local internet connection allows it, this website will also host a ‘live ticker’ during the event that starts on November 10th !
- Websites:
SFWO - Fred Bosson - 00 33 6 81 07 35 31
STATION NAUTIQUE Six-Fours - Michel Roux - 00 33 6 88 39 59 96
- Media:
OPEN OCEAN MEDIA - Steve Palier - 00 33 6 20 09 58 61


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