FWC… 2° round a La Caleta!


Sul filo di lana si decide la Fuerteventura Wave Calssic 2010… ieri i riders sono riusciti a disputare il secondo round della gara, scendendo in acqua intorno alle 12,30 nello spot de La Caleta sul North Shore di Fuerteventura. Onde di due metri e vento superiore ai 15 nodi hanno permesso di dare vita ad un’intensa disfida che ha delineato una classifica generale, che se oggi, ultimo giorno dell’evento, non si riuscisse a gareggiare… beh, potrebbe anche essere quella definitiva! Ecco i risultati del 2nd round della FWC 2010
1) 13 pts // TEAM 1 and TEAM 4 ex aequo // Team 1 is once more winner of the day !
Team 1 > Patrick / Jules / Musso / Albert / Iballa
Team 4 > Eleazar / Jonas / Nicole / Martin / Stephane
2) 12,5 pts // TEAM 3 // In a comfortable place…
Fabrice / Nayra / Ilya / Adam/ Dario
3) 11, 5 pts // TEAM 2 // Still in last place, but far closer
Thomas / Corky / Antony / Daida / JB


More info su http://fuertewaveclassic.com/2010/

Cronaca della 2° round di ieri.
In the 1st heat, JB tried big aerials and a 360 but it was not enough to win the heat against the local Stephane Etienne, who took the biggest waves and won the session. Nayra and Patrick finished 3rd ex aequo. The winner of heat n°2 was a real surprise as Iballa took the victory ahead of Dario and Eleazar, 2nd ex aequo. She was working on the waves until their very end, and landed some perfect aerials in a big set! During heat 3 we saw beautiful moves from Thomas and Fabrice, both pushing hard to do their best. Thomas, always relaxed, finished 1st while Albert and Martin both took the 3rd place. The young Jules sailed very well once again against Jonas but it was not enough to beat the « pro ». In the last heat Ilya was ripping and took the advantage over Musso and his big aerials. Daida handled some good surf too and finished ahead of Nicole.
The riders seemed more into the competition than during the 1st round. On the beach, we could feel a bit more tension and everybody was more concentrated on their own heat. For sure it is a fun event, but still it’s better if you win…







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