Un po’ di chiarezza…


Fuerteventura Wave Classic, Wave Classic Invitational… nell’ultimo periodo tra calendari, veti e casini vari, sommati al susseguirsi del lancio di nuovi “eventi” wave con nomi simili, si potrebbe cominciare a non capirci più nulla. Per fortuna il buon Steve Palier, “deus ex machina” della company Open Ocean Media ci precisa alcuni degli aspetti che non sono ancora chiari. In pratica l’imminente seconda edizione del Fuerteventura Wave Classic non fa parte del calendario degli eventi del Wave Classic Invitational che Open Ocean Media sta organizzando in giro per il mondo. Per quest’ultimo si parla di tre eventi: in Marocco a maggio, a La Reunion a settembre e in Cile a novembre 2010. Di seguito maggiori particolari in inglese e more info le trovate su:

Hello to all!
As you might know, soon will take place the 2nd edition of the “Fuerteventura Wave Classic” on the North Shore of Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. I (Steve Palier/Open Ocean Media) won’t be in charge of the communication of this event this year, and the contest won’t be included in our “Wave Classic Invitational” events calendar. Here are below some infos about this decision…
Initiated by pro riders Thomas Traversa and JB Caste last winter, the 1st edition of this Big Wave Invitational Windsurfing contest by teams was launched by the 7th Wave Center local organization last March 2009. It was a real success as the 16 riders invited battled in epic monster waves!
If you remember good, I was in charge of the communication on the 2009 edition. I definitely enjoyed this mission and a few months after, I decided to build up my own event & communication company, Open Ocean Media.
On the request of some international riders & Thomas Traversa, Open Ocean Media then started to work on the “Wave Classic Invitational” events project and the “Reunion Wave Classic” could see the light in September. Another successful event. Right after that, thanks to the support of the medias, the public and the pro riders, some serious projects of launching more contests on more worldclass spots were in mind.
February 2010, Open Ocean Media finally launches the “Wave Classic Invitational” official website www.waveclassicinvitational.com and announces 3 events for 2010. Unfortunately, due to some disagreement with the local organization (Orlando Lavandera/7th Wave Center), we did not include the “Fuerte Wave Classic” in our 2010 events calendar.
So Open Ocean Media won’t be in charge of the communication of this event this year. We wanted to let you know about that…
However, this contest will keep its “Wave Classic” name, will gather again some good names of the waveriding scene with Thomas Traversa and will surely be another hardcore wave contest which will deliver plenty of great insane action! Open Ocean Media wishes the riders and organization all the best for the 2nd edition!
Next contest up for the “Wave Classic Invitational” project is in Morocco next May. Dates & event still to be confirmed but follow our news on http://waveclassicinvitational.com/



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