Daida e Iballa Moreno con Severne!


Da qualche tempo nell’ambiente circolavano varie indiscrezioni circa il divorzio delle sorelle Moreno dalla loro veleria storica North Sails. Negli ultimi giorni qualcuno diceva che Daida fosse in procinto di accordarsi con Naish e Iballa con Neil Pryde, ma proprio stamattina è arrivata la notizia che le gemelle non hanno voluto separarsi ed approdano entrambe a Severne, seguendo le orme del loro famoso conterraneo Dunki!

SEVERNE is proud to sign two of the most successful female windsurfers in history - Welcome Daida and Iballa Moreno
The legendary twins from Pozo, Daida and Iballa Moreno have dominated the windsurfing scene for over a decade and are now ready to defend their titles on a new team.
With over 19 world championship titles combined, they have set a new benchmark in female wave and freestyle performance over the last 12 years.  In a truly revolutionary spirit, they are well known for supporting women in windsurfing and have set a new standard.  Alongside their team mates Karin Jaggi and Nayra Alonso, they occupied all top podium positions in the most challenging PWA eventsS of the year such as Pozo and Sylt World Cup as well as the PWA overall ranking for 2009.
“Daida: We were really looking forward to this day.  I’m totally exited to start our new season with a new fresh team and great products.  During the last years, Severne has brought great products into the market and shown off a successful team. It is very satisfying for us to be part of it. It is a perfect fusion between high-tech, light weight and our radical experience in the water. Severne is the only sail industry company who believe in girls performance and showed it by having the top four girls of the waves overall in their team. Now, more than ever, it’s time for ACTION!”
Iballa:” I’m personally really happy to join this new team. I feel very motivated to train hard and keep defending my titles as well as promoting the sport in any way I can. Severne is a sail brand that suits us perfectly and the fact that they support top women of the sport really gives them extra points. We will work really hard to promote what it is now the best windsurfing sail brand.



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