Timo Mullen takes the 2009 Tiree Wave Classic Crown


Il forte wave rider irlandese Timo Mullen si è aggiudicato la “corona” del 2009 Tiree Wave Classic  senza dubbio il più prestigioso e lungo contest di Wavesailing in Europa ed anche terza ed ultima tappa del British Wavesailing Championships.

The Tiree Wave Classic is without doubt the most prestigous and longest running Wavesailing Contest in Europe, in 2009 it also was the 3rd and final stop of the British Wavesailing Championships.  The forecast for the week of the contest was not looking great, only one day was looking like it would deliver the conditions needed to warrant the running of the Pro division.  As it turned out Mother Nature and the North Atlantic delivered the goods!  Ballepuil beach was the early morning call for the Pro fleet who were greeted at sunrise to 4-6ft waves with a steady 15-20 knot cross offshore wind.  With all the UK’s top Pro’s present and the Wild Card World Cup sailor Dany Bruch this was set to be a day of reckoning!
Early rounds saw some very early departures for 3/4 of the top 4 ranked sailors, tour leader Jamie Hancock went down to Timo in R2, whilst Ben Proffit and Phil Horrocks sailed not up to their full potential to also depart early in R2!  Timo on the other hand had found his mojo and gouged and aired his way into the final alongside John Skye, Dany Bruch and Jack Hunt.  Timo had been using the Quad 81 up until the final, when just before the green flag Timo noticed the wind had eased of slightly, he opted for a quick pit stop and changed to a floatier board and a 5.6 S1 sail.
“Changing to my bigger gear for the final was a good move, i was able to get priority on some of the biggest sets of the day, my first wave was a good one to put in the bank, a few good turns and a sweet aerial.  Then i got a cracker at the end of the heat, logo high two big aerials and a nice gouge!  I was pretty confident of a good result but to hear i had won the final was amazing, especially against Skye Boy who only 1 week ago had taken down Kauli Seadi in Sylt!”

The conditions got better and better enough to get through a lot of the double elimination but unfortunately the wind swung too offshore by the end of the day resulting in the double reaching 5th place.  Timo then had the longest week of his life as he hung in 1st place awaiting conditions to complete the double elimination.  Regrettably the week ended withe no further contestable conditions BUT this meant Timo hung onto his no.1 spot and took the title and $2000 prize money and traditional Scottish Broad Sword!

This fantastic result has rocketed Timo into 3rd Place overall for the year, proving that he has got the talent in contests as well as in front of the camera!!!”

Mens Pro Results
1st Timo Mullen (Starboard, Severne, Animal) IR69
2nd John Skye  (RRD, Naish, Animal)  K57
3rd Dany Bruch  (Exocet, Severne, OTC, O’Neill) G181




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