FWC… il video!


Mentre sono ancora qui a rileggere, alla ricerca di qualche errore scappatomi (su Wind News è come un marchio di fabbrica!),  le prime copie del numero di aprile, che contiene un lungo articolo sulla prima edizione del Fuerteventura Wave Classic… Steve Palier, l’organizzatore, che spero di incontrare nei prossimi giorni a La Coudoueliere (se il maestrale si dediderà a santificare le feste pasquali… almeno lunedì come sembra da Meteo France!), ha messo in rete “behind the scene…”, che precede l’official video dell’evento! Gustatevi anche questo…

You thought the Fuerteventura Wave Classic was a serious event?
Yes it was, regarding the tough conditions the riders have met on day 6 and day 7 in Puertito.
But behind the scene, between the heats, during the days without wind and at night, this competition was everything but serious!
The guys were all pretty relaxed, no stress and some were definitely really funny. We then have had a lot of fun watching again all the rushes done!
And this is why we’ve decided to show the “behind the scene” of this 1st event of a kind.
It is also another way to have a look on the riders before you see them in action in the official video to come soon…
Have fun, it’s here!
Images © Alfie Hart & © Steve Palier  

Fuerteventura Wave Classic 2009 - “Off the scene” from FUERTEVENTURA WAVE CLASSIC on Vimeo.


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