Una tavola di bambù?!


Peter Thommen ci ha abituato ad una continua innovazione delle sue tavole… ora presenta tutta la nuova gamma, Version 4.0 T1, costruita con  una nuova tecnologia chiamata BambO²/CarbonX.
Integrando la già sofisticata costruzione CarboX adottata fino ad ora, con le  nuove impiallacciature di bambù che vantano una elevata elasticità e resistenza, T1 ha migliorato la rigidità e allo stesso tempo la durata delle sue tavole.
More info su http://www.thommen1.com/

T1 is known for its audacity to think outside the box: The first to promote and firmly believe in a compact, user-need driven product range following its “One Man One Board” concept.
T1 then set new industry standards with its Version 3.0 introducing the revolutionary ‘revoXskin’ and ‘CarboX’ construction.
Now, T1 is taking board building to yet another level with their technology called ‘BambO²/CarbonX’.
As of Version 4.0 T1 embraces and incorporates Bamboo veneers in all T1 boards! It is a logical step for this innovation driven company to make the best built boards not only better but also Greener and even more durable.
T1’s ‘CarboX’ construction uses strategically oriented carbon layers, mirrored inside and outside the PVC sandwich skin, paired with T-stringers in deck and bottom to tune and control torsion and flex in its boards depending on their range of use. RevoXskin is a UV-resistant and 100 % waterproof finishing film eliminating the use of any fillers and primers.
By integrating full BambO² decks and bottoms in its ‘Version 4.0’ range, T1 is able to further boost the resilience* of its windsurf boards and enhance stiffness and toughness at the same time: Customers will be rewarded with longer lasting products that will keep their crisp and snappy “new board feeling” for many years.
The bamboo fiber excels with an immense tensile strength rivaling many metal alloys but also features a strength-to-weight ratio better than graphite (carbon). This makes the bamboo fiber one of the most resilient natural materials known to man.
* ‘Resilience’ is the property of a material to absorb energy when it
is deformed elastically and then, upon unloading to have this
energy recovered.


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