Mussolini… Vandal and Tabou!


Il giovane “ripper” Alex Mussolini (E-30) cambia nuovamente casacca… spiazzato dal ridimensionamento attuato quest’anno nel team Neil Pryde, lo spagnolo raggiungerà gli amici Traversa e Ruenes nel team Tabou, ma non solo perchè utilizzerà anche le nuove Vandal sails. Se di Tabou si sa tutto, di Vandal sails dovete sapere che un nuovo windsurfing brand progettato e di proprietà di Dan Kaseler, il capo designer di Gaastra.
“Alex è uno dei migliori wave sailors al mondo ed ha l’immagine giusta, giovane, energetica e radicale che stavamo cercando…” ha dichiarato  Dan Kaseler, mentre lo shaper Tabou, Fabien Vollenweider si è detto contento che Alex corra con le tavole Tabou, perchè lo ha trovato motivato ed “affamato” di vittoria.

Alex answered a few questions relating to his changeover and is fired up to get on the water with his new gear!
What made you decide to come over to Vandal/Tabou?
NP has really changed the size of its team, this left me looking for a sail sponsor and Gaastra was my top choice as I really believe in their designs. Then they told me about the Vandal sails and I jumped at the chance to be part of a fresh new product!! As for boards, I have always admired Thomas’ great board shapes and wanted to have a sail sponsor and board sponsor that are part of the same company so it was an obvious move to ride Tabou boards.

You and Thomas Traversa are good buds- did he have any influence on getting you on the program?
Yes! Thomas is a great friend and we do a lot of trips and travel on the tour together. As I said he has some great board shapes and really understands boards.  It will be excellent to work with him and be on the same team with him.

Do you get to sail much with your other teammate Antony Ruenes?
Well ‘trash boy’ , Antony, is cool we have had a good few nights out together!! haha He has been studying a lot and mainly does freestyle but we have sailed together at Pozo.

Any interest in Freestyle?
Freestyle is radical but not something I do. Wave sailing is so technical these days I spend my time training on that.

Goals for 2009?
My main goal for 2009 is to do well on the tour!

Where is your next trip?
Next trip?  I am not sure with my focus this year on the tour I would like to get some practice in cross-off waves before Cape Verde so maybe the North shore of Fuerte - I’ll just see what the Atlantic has to offer.



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