Marcilio in visita da Sebastian Wenzel


Poco prima che inizino le “danze” del 2009 con la gara di Cabo Verde, l’ultimo arrivato nel Fanatic team,  il talentuoso Marcilio Browne è volato in Portogallo, al Guincho, a trovare lo shaper Sebastian Wenzel nel suo work shop cogliendo l’occasione per toccare con mano i suoi nuovi giocattoli…
Dal loro primo incontro ne è nato anche un botta e risposta che vi proponiamo in inglese…

How was your first meeting with Sebastian?
Marcilio: It was really great, Sebastian and his family received me super good in their home. We had a really nice time. I think it was really important to see him shaping my boards, check out the factory, pick up my new freestyle boards, just see all the details and follow up with what´s going on there !
What do you think about his CAD work?
Its a really nice and accurate way to work. With the machine everything goes exacly the way we want, so by each proto we can just change bit by bit, which helps to figure out what is good and what is bad straight away. And also Sebastian being a good windsurfer and surfer really helps, because he understands everything about waveriding pretty well.
Did you also see his work shop/factory?

Yes, of course we went there, pretty nice. It was really cool and very interesting for me to watch the machine working.
Which boards did you fetch there and did you get a chance to try them already?
I got two Freestyle boards and one single fin Wave board. Too bad it has been raining non stop, so I didn´t get a chance to try them yet. I am going to Paracuru today, should be a swell there this week. From there I go straight to Jericoacoara for a week. I hope to have a good time with the new toys!!!

How was your first meeting with Marcilio?
Sebastian: It was great for me to meet Marcilio in person. He is a really cool guy and absolutely professional for his age. My three sons (and of course my wife) were quite impressed too!
Another valuable member in your R&D team, how will your future cooperation look?
I believe Marcilio is the perfect addition to our existing R&D team with Victor Fernandez, Klaas Voget, Gollito Estredo and Jonas Ceballos. Now we really have a very complete R&D team were I for sure will profit a lot from, so our boards will get even better!
Did you see Marcilio sailing there with his new boards?
Unfortunately it was raining while he was here and the conditions have been not very good. So instead we had a quite intense surfing session together. But he promised me to deliver his first test reports as soon as he has put his new toys on the water in Brasil.


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