Vacillano i 50 nodi…


Dopo mesi di attesa, ieri finalmente il Mistral ha soffiato forte e con l’angolazione giusta per cercare di fissare nuovi record di velocità a Saintes Maries de la Mer, Francia. Antoine Albeau (FRA, Starboard) e Patrik Diethelm (ITA, F2, North) non ci hanno pesato su troppo ed hanno ritoccato i record precendenti: Patrik con il suo F2 Missile XS at 46.51 ha fissato il nuovo record di velocità per tavole di serie con 46.51 knots, mentre Albeau ha superato il vecchio record del mondo di velocità Finian Maynard di 0.4 knots, centrando i 49.09 knots di velocità. Entrambi i record attendono la ratificazione del World Speed Sailing Record Council, ma ormai la barriera dei 50 è veramente ad un passo da essere superata!

Speedsailing World Records tumble in Saintes Maries de la Mer
Antoine Albeau (FRA, Starboard) and Patrik Diethelm (ITA, F2, North) have broken the existing speed sailing records today in Saintes Maries de la Mer, France.
After months of waiting for the big mistral winds, the speed canal at the shores of the mediterrean sea came to life again.
Strong mistral winds with 45-50 knots hit the speed strip in a perfect angle, and although the conditions were quite gusty several riders set personal best speeds.
Already the first runs of the “big three” Antoine Albeau, Patrik Diethelm and defending world record holder Finian Maynard (BVI, F2) showed, that this day would have the potential to become historic.
At 9:30 hours Patrik Diethelm was the first one making waves, setting a new world production speed record with his F2 Missile XS at 46.51 knots, subject to WSSRC ratification.
Around noon, 12:29 hours exactly, Frenchman Antoine Albeau hit a big gust and flew down the 1km man made canal. The scoreboard stopped at 49 knots, after extensive video checking with the observer from the World Speed Sailing Record Council, the speed was verified at 49.09 knots, 0.4 knots faster than the old record of Finian Maynard.
The riders then pushed for the elusive 50 knots mark, the magical barrier in speedsailing around the world, but til the end of the day no one was able to increase the previous performances.


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