North Sails sign Taty Frans


Il ventitrenne caraibico Taty Frans entra nel North Sails international team. Il giovane freestyler di Bonaire ha deciso usare le vele North per partecipare a tutti gli eventi PWA Freestyle e Slalom della stagione 2008. E se in freestyle non ha bisogno di troppi input per provare ad arrivare al titolo, per quanto riguarda lo slalom… beh se si vuole arrivare al top cosa ci può essere di meglio che allenarsi con un compagno di team che si chiama Björn Dunkerbeck?!


We are happy to welcome one of the world´s best freestylers on board of our North Sails international team – 23-year-old Taty is a synonym for style on the water. With his Caribbean style he always stands out on and off the water with top performance combined with fun-loving lifestyle. You will find Taty at all PWA Freestyle and Slalom events in 2008. His homebase Bonaire offers perfect conditions for flatwater freestyle and slalom training where he spends most of the time preparing for the PWA event. Watch out, Taty is on fire ! Welcome on board, Taty.

Alexander Hasch, Marketing Manager North Sails:
“We are very pleased to have Taty in our team. He is not only one of the best freestylers in the world but also a dedicated slalom rider with much potential for top rankings in the PWA tour.”

Taty Frans:
“The first sail that I have ever bought with my own money was a 1998 wave North Sails. I don’t remember the name of the sail, but it was a sail that I really liked. I remember paying 150 dollars for this sail…
Me moving to North Sails, is because I like the energy and the way the whole North Sails team promotes windsurfing and their riders. I know North a great sail company and being in a team with North chief tester Jimmy Diaz and the world´s most successful sportsman Björn Dunkerbeck is a great feeling. !”

Nick name: Taty
Sail number: NB-9
Date of birth: May 24th, 1984
Place of birth: Bonaire
Currently living in: Bonaire
Current car: Chevrolet s10 pick-up
Started windsurfing in: 1995
People you like to sail with: Tonky, Choco, Kiri, jurgen
Favourite spot: Bonaire, Fuerteventura,
Maui (Baby beach)
Favourite food: Grandma’s home dish
Favourite magazine: Motion Magazine
Hobies: riding my atv, play pool, fishing
Pets: dog
Favourite music: Hip hop and R&B

Taty´s best results:
9th Gran Canaria pwa Slalom ‘07
9th Fuerteventura pwa freestyle ‘07
9th Sylt Germany pwa freestyle ‘07
10th overall PWA Freestyle ‘07
2nd Fuerteventura pwa freestyle ‘06
1st Detour event Italy `06
6th Pwa Lanzarote Super X `05
2nd freestyle Pwa Lanzarote `05
5th/6th freestyle/jump London Boat Show


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