A febbraio…. codice rosso?


A parte gli scherzi da febbraio sarà disponibile nei migliori surf shop la nuova CODE RED della Severne sails. Questa vela ha tratto beneficio da un anno di intenso sviluppo “intelligente”. Il risultato è una potente racing sail che fa di stabilità, velocità e dinamismo i suoi cavalli di battaglia. La vela è stata sviluppata ed affinata a seconda delle misure tanto che anche la costruzione è leggermente diversa dalle misure più piccole a quelle più grandi. La potenza è stata incrementata con i profili più profondi che avvantaggiano anche le prestazioni di bolina mentre l’utilizzo di stecche più rigide nella parte superiore della vela garatiscono un effettivo aumento del controllo e della stabilità generale.

Sizes: 4.6 - 5.1 - 5.6 - 6.1 - 6.7 - 7.7 - 8.3 - 9.0 - 10.0 - 11.0 - 11.7

If your goal is the finish line.
The new CODE Red has benefited from an intense year of intelligent evolution. The result is a powerful race sail that provides a new era of stability, speed and agile dynamics.
Get one on the water and you will feel the result of the size specifi c development and construction technology that refines the performance of every size. Horsepower is enhanced through deeper profi les while maintaining fine entry angles, this results in a rig that drives through lulls and chop. While an increased skin tension, refined Aramid Torsion Frame and stiffer battens in the upper rig area offer more overall stability and control.
The CODE Red delivers a signifi cant advantage to riders who plan to be first to the finish line.The new CODE Red has benefi ted from an intense year of intelligent evolution. The result is a powerful
race sail that provides a new era of stability, speed and agile dynamics.
Get one on the water and you will feel the result of the size specifi c development and construction technology that refines the performance of every size. Horsepower is enhanced through deeper profi les while maintaining fine entry angles, this results in a rig that drives through lulls and chop. While an increased skin tension, refined Aramid Torsion Frame and stiffer battens in the upper rig area offer more overall stability and control. The CODE Red delivers a signifi cant advantage to riders who plan to be fi rst to the fi nish line.
Size Specifics:

4.6 – 6.1
• Focus on stability and maximum control at speed.
• Rig ergonomics optimised for even foot pressure for maximum board control.
• 8 battens standard clew(only 4.6 has 7 battens)
• Deeper entry and foil shape has increased.
• Power is more locked forward, which locks the board down onto the water.
• More acceleration around marks, with the more responsive leech giving you instant acceleration.
6.7 – 7.7
• Focus on all round slalom versatility
• 8 Batten dropped clew
• Deeper entry and foil shape with signifi cant refi nement on the leech tension.
• Power is more locked forward, which locks the board down onto the water.
• More acceleration around marks, with a more responsive leech.
8.3 – 10.0
• Focus on extended wind range and increased response.
• 8 Batten dropped clew
• 9.0 will has also been developed with high wind formula sailing and lighter sailors in mind. The critical downwind performance has been fi ne tuned.
11.0 – 11.7
• Focused on dedicated formula performance.
• 8 Batten dropped Clew.
• New 11.7, focused ultra light wind performance


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