Red Bull Big Days: Rock’n'Roll!


Mentre in Sardegna si svolgeva il Capo del Capo, nel mar Baltico spazzato dalla tempesta, andava in onda il primo Wave Contest della “serie” Red Bull Big Days. Con una temperaturina da far ghiacciare anche i più arditi, trenta atleti si sono dati battaglia nella buferona forza 9, condita da pioggia insistente.
Si mormora che la finale tra Lars Vobisch e Klaus Voget, vinta a suon di push loop “gelati” da “Marverick” Lars sia entrata di diritto nella storia dei wave contest tedeschi come una delle più incredibili sfide mai disputate.


Tempest Tilo raged the German coastline! The first Wavecontest at the German Baltic Sea for a long time was blessed with hard-core conditions.
Red Bull Big Days 2007: The action was Rock’n’Roll!
November 9th 2007: Lars Gobisch from Kiel surprisingly punshed event favorite Klaas Voget. “A massive wave caught me unprepared that I lost all my stuff! After a long swim I was actually too exhausted to attack further on,“ explained Klaas right after the finals. The 30 competitors of the Red Bull Big Days 2007 had a tough fight with mother nature at Weißenhaus: All day long wind speeds had a sustained maximum of nine bft in hurricane like gusts. Tempereature dropped down to frosty five degrees while it rained cats and dogs. As the predicted storm hit the western Baltic Sea by noon action kicked in at one fell swoop! 18 entrants had to make their way through the trials to find their way into the main competition. Afterwards the trials’ winners faced 12 athletes who were pre-established by an expert jury. Holger Lass, head of the regatta, raised the green flag for one heat after another as steep hollow breaking waves were pushed towards the prominent spot Weißenhaus. Cheeserolls, massive frontloops, insane pushloops, and spectacular one-handed backloops were the maneuvers of the day.
The Gobisch brothers showed a great performance! During the semi-finals both met German’s best wave-worldcupper Klaas Voget and ex-pro Andy Wolff: The loser’s final was made up between Stefan and Andy while Klaas and Lars made it into the final round. Stefan ended up fourth; Andy Wolff ranked third. Maverick Lars Gobisch put all his eggs in one basket and surprisngly succeeded against high-wind proofed Klaas: His radical pushloops and high backloops were awarded first place by the judges, while Klaas ended up second. Finally the Red Bull Big Days set a milestone in German contest history! Tonight a decent party in Kiel will celebrate the the spectacular reanimation of having a hard-core wave-event at the German Baltic Sea coastline. To be continued in 2008…


1 . Place; Lars Gobisch
2. Place: Klaas Voget
3. Place: Andy Wolff
4. Place: Stefan Gobisch


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