The Défi Wind on fire…


Meno di un mese alla decima, grandiosa, edizione della Defi Wind di Gruissan… lo sbarco dei mille si avvicina e si mormora che ci sia ancora qualche posto libero se c’è ancora qualche ritardatario che vuole provare ad iscriversi in questi giorni: cliccando sul sito ufficiale dell’evento trovate le modalità e le ultime info. E’ anche on line su Facebook da pochissimi giorni la pagina ufficiale dell’evento, cosa che ha costretto anche il vostro caporedattore, parecchio allergico ai social network, ad “affacciarsi”, ma subito evitare come la peste la registrazione, per connettersi alla Defi! Chiedetemi tutto, ma non di andare su facebook…. non tutti la pensiamo uguale però e quindi chi ha piacere può tranquillamente cliccare su

The Défi Wind on fire…
Things are hurrying up in Gruissan as the 10th edition of the Défi Wind is fully on its way! The official page of the event is now available on Facebook :, feel free to have a look so that you can know what’s going on on-site and more…
For those who want to present a short film during the video showing party, you still have 15 days left to send us your works and win the 1st prize of the Amateur Windsurfing Movie Festival of the Défi Wind 2010. To participate and hit a prize in this contest you just have to edit a short movie talking about windsurf (trip, competition, freesailing…) and post it to the organization who will select the 5 best ones.
Then on Friday, Mai the 14th in the Forum of Gruissan, These 5 best amateur movies will be showed in front of more than one thousand people… and they will be posted on The best producers will of course get amazing gifts! To take part into the Amateur Windsurfing Movie Festival of the Défi Wind, just send your windsurfing movie, max 6 min, before May the 1st at the following address : GWO / Defi Wind / 9 Rampe Pech des  Moulins / 11430 Gruissan / FRANCE. For those who are a bit late and still want to compete in this event we still have a few places left (but you should hurry up!) and to know more about this 10th edition of the Défi Wind (and all the previous ones), go and check to as soon as possible!



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